Another family starts their beautiful camp near Cooks Forest Part 1: Building a driveway!

We were thrilled to hear from another family who purchased some wooded property to create a getaway from the city. It means a lot to us when we can create an area of peace and relaxation for folks who want to get away from the hectic rush of the city.

Although home prices are still very high locally to Cooks Forest and Clarion, we hope that newcomers come to love and appreciate the beauty of Western Pennsylvania as much as we do. There is just so much to love: how lush and green everything is in the summer, the fresh produce at local farm stands and farm-to-table restaurants, the close-knit communities, amazing history, and large amount of geographical diversity.

Our latest customers had young kids who were tired of being cooped up the last few years, so they purchased some land near a small stream for camping. The only thing was: there was no real road to access the property! Loggers had created a very rough path previously, but nothing accessible for most of the year with a vehicle, even a pickup!

We brainstormed with them to envision their dream property, then worked out a rough budget. Like many in the area, they want to build a house on the property eventually, but they limited their plans to a beautiful winding rocked driveway, a pad for a large shed, parking area and a small pond for this year. We even connected them with a local business that could sell them a shed without long wait times. A win-win for two local businesses and for the family!

Check out our photo gallery to see how things look now! This family can now come up to visit anytime. The winding driveway offers a scenic, shaded view AND privacy from the bordering properties.


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