She had already gone through five contractors to fix her gnarly driveway in Clarion County.

Yes, you read that right. FIVE contractors each tried to fix this client’s steep, narrow, rutted and muddy driveway. Can you imagine hiring and paying five contractors over the course of a decade and STILL not having a useable driveway?

If you’re reading this blog, you probably know that Western Pennsylvania doesn’t have the easiest climate. Summer is brief, fall brings snow way too quickly, winters are bitter, and spring usually brings more snow and rain and MUD. We actually got snow here in MAY this week, and no one was that shocked.

Anyways, we were thrilled when this client reached out to us last fall. She was dreading yet another winter sliding down the hill on her icy driveway.

Previous contractors had thrown some gravel on the drive and smoothed out the ruts. This caused things to temporarily improve, but masked the real issue: LACK OF PROPER DRAINING.

First, we addressed the grade of the hill to make it less steep and twisted. We also widened the drive and added several cross pipes and a catch basin so precipitation would run down the sides of the drive instead of on it. Then, we added gravel as a final touch.

When you call us at Complete Excavation Solutions, we will partner with you to create a long term solution for your property! Check out our photo gallery for this project below.


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