What to do when your foundation collapses

We’ve all been there. You get the call or see it yourself after a storm, flood or downed tree damages your property. One common thing for Western Pennsylvania is a flooded, cracked or collapsed foundation.

When our client reached out, he was panicked. The area of his cabin with his two front doors had partially collapsed due to a faulty foundation. The house was actually leaning strongly to the side! He could not even open the doors anymore. Winter was setting in, with frigid temps that would prevent the repair. Luckily, we were able to get started on the foundation.

Foundation Repair in Clarion, Forest, Venango, Jefferson, Elk County

We used steel beams and concrete blocks to reinforce, jack up and then replace the damaged corner. Then we slowly raised the foundation back up to the correct level. We actually got it so that their floor (which had been sloping for years as the foundation deteriorated) back to mostly level!

After that, we repaired and replaced some drainage pipes, raised up the corner of their yard to be level with their patio, and added additional drainage pipes to their yard to prevent water buildup.

As things started to dramatically improve, the weather did too. This client was able to bring in the supplies and workers necessary to replace the walls, windows and doors on this corner so he could enjoy a new and improved sunroom in this beautiful cabin. We were thrilled to be able to be a part of this success story. This client now has a cabin that is even better than when the foundation collapsed!

Is your foundation sagging, cracking, leaking, or collapsed? Give us a call today at 814-221-7424 to see if we are a good fit for you!


How to Prepare to Build your Dream Home! (Hint: Do your driveway right, the first time!)


She had already gone through five contractors to fix her gnarly driveway in Clarion County.