Repairing a steep driveway in Clarion County
We were thrilled to come to the rescue of another client struggling with their steep, rutted driveway. This client initially came to us during the winter because the snow, ice and mud were making their daily commute a never-ending headache.
We consulted with the client and advised that winter fixes often are more trouble than they are worth. Did you know this? Want to learn more? Check out our post on it here.
Anyways, here are some pictures of the driveway, freshly completed:
We noticed right away several things that needed to happen:
The driveway needed widened about 4 feet
Drainage pipes needed installed on the left side to ensure rutting did not continue.
The driveway needed leveling out to make it less steep.
The drive needed additional room at the top to make it easier to turn around.
Several steep sections needed removed from the road to create a consistent slope that would be smoother and more attractive.
Finally, we hydroseeded the edges of the driveway to prevent erosion during the rainy season.
This client was thrilled with our work, despite the delays from the damp spring and early summer.
Steep, hilly, wooded driveways are extremely common in Western Pennsylvania. Done well, they can add significant value to a property, both practically and financially.
We ALWAYS advise clients to ensure their driveway is accessible to emergency personnel, in the unlikely event of a medical or other emergency.
See below for more pictures!
Do you want a more beautiful driveway? We believe you should! After all, you use it at least twice a day, every day!
Do you just want the headaches to end so you don’t dread driving six months out of the year? We hear you and we have the experience you need.
Call today at 814-221-7424 or submit a request here.